Norwegian Krone(NOK) To Rwanda Franc(RWF)
This is the page of Norwegian Krone (NOK) to Rwanda Franc (RWF) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Rwanda Franc(RWF) To Norwegian Krone(NOK).
127.14533 RWF
Convert Rwanda Franc To Norwegian Krone
Exchange Rates Updated: Oct 01,2024 07:58 UTC
Full history please visit NOK/RWF History
Convert Norwegian Krone(NOK) To Rwanda Franc(RWF)
1 NOK = | 127.14533 RWF | 0.00787 NOK = | 1 RWF |
2 NOK = | 254.29066 RWF | 0.01573 NOK = | 2 RWF |
5 NOK = | 635.72664 RWF | 0.03933 NOK = | 5 RWF |
10 NOK = | 1271.45328 RWF | 0.07865 NOK = | 10 RWF |
15 NOK = | 1907.17992 RWF | 0.11798 NOK = | 15 RWF |
20 NOK = | 2542.90656 RWF | 0.1573 NOK = | 20 RWF |
25 NOK = | 3178.63321 RWF | 0.19663 NOK = | 25 RWF |
50 NOK = | 6357.26641 RWF | 0.39325 NOK = | 50 RWF |
Norwegian Krone(NOK) To Rwanda Franc(RWF) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Norwegian Krone | Rwanda Franc |
Tuesday 01/10/2024 | 1 NOK = | 127.69462 RWF |
Monday 30/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 126.26843 RWF |
Sunday 29/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 127.01004 RWF |
Saturday 28/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 126.86875 RWF |
Friday 27/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 126.80702 RWF |
Thursday 26/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 128.33117 RWF |
Wednesday 25/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 128.84886 RWF |
Tuesday 24/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 129.11655 RWF |
Monday 23/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 127.99103 RWF |
Sunday 22/09/2024 | 1 NOK = | 128.3189 RWF |
Full history please visit NOK/RWF Exchange Rates History
Convert 1 Norwegian Krone(NOK) to other currencies
Popular Norwegian Krone(NOK) Pairing
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